Monday, August 18, 2008

Basic equipment and general guidelines...

In order to begin play in trunkball, you need very little to get started. The following brief summary will get you going and links to more detailed information will follow in later posts:


1 - Six (6) inch red playground ball (or equivalent)
1 - Car with trunk open (preferably a mid-size to large vehicle)
2 - Two players (a 2 x 2 version is in the works)


Trunkball is a two-person, "half-court" game where an offensive player throws a playground ball at a car trunk trying to score a goal. The defensive player, a goalie, seeks to prevent a goal by blocking or catching ball and securing possession. High scorer wins match.


You need to mark off a thirty-three (33) foot line which is the distance balls are initially thrown from parallel to the trunk and extending three feet to either side from the end of the trunk width (so the initial throw line is three feet wider than the trunk on either side).

Game starts as one player is on offense (at throw line) and the other on defense (playing goalie at the trunk--can essentially stand anywhere)

Offensive player throws at the trunk to score a goal. If ball is caught or secured by goalie, the ball is dead and goalie switches to offense. If ball misses target but does not strike vehicle, ball is also dead and positions switch. If ball strikes car and bounces away, it is a live ball and either player may pursue. If goalie secures, ball is dead and positions switch. If offensive player secures, they may shoot at goal from any location. In this scenario, the goalie may seek to block the shot or swipe ball free and secure.

Note that securing the ball after a shot must be with two hands. A single-hand hold may be legally stolen.

Note that in free ball scenario, there are no rules for moving toward goal or defending the goal other that general rules of fair play such as no hitting, kicking, tripping, punching, or other universally recognized acts of violence. However, bumping, pushing, and hand/arm waving are allowed.

A goal is scored when ball enters trunk and remains there. A ball that enters trunk and bounces out is no goal (as it cannot necessarily be verified by the defensive player).

Games continue until one player announces that each player has "X" number of shots remaining. If the other player agrees, this scenario is played out. The other player may, however, offer an alternative number (usually higher if that player is behind in the game), and a negotiation ensues until an agreement is made. If no agreement, play continues until another announcement is made. If no agreement is made a second time, an automatic ten shot each rule is imposed. Whoever is leading at the end of all remaining shots used is the winner.

Sudden-Death Overtime: If players are tied at the end of regulation play, there is a sudden-death overtime scenario. Players determine who shoots first by a best of three rock-paper-scissors game. Game ends when first player scores.

Believe me, you will be tired after this game.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a great game. I learned the rules and my dad and I play it all the time!